calls for articles
call for articles, due August 1 2019
calls for articles
on site review 46: architecture and travel
Why do we travel? Is it to see new things? to rack up a gazillion photographs? to touch something elemental about unfamiliarity? to leave the quotidian behind for a while?
What, historically, did travel bring to architecture?
What do studios abroad, obligatory offerings for any self-respecting architecture school, bring to the study of architecture?
Does travel always imply distance?
Is travel a challenge or a pleasure? Is a challenge a pleasure? Is pleasure a challenge?
Is there anything essentially imperialistic about travel?
Is emigration travel or displacement? What does travel displace?
Peter Cook once titled a lecture: ‘I travel to find what I already know’. Is this the promise, or the danger, of travel?
Find an entry point in this topic, and send ideas or proposals for this issue any time up to November 11 2024, final submissions will be due January 15 2025, give or take a couple of days – just aim for the middle of January.
Include a brief text description outlining what you wish to say, proposed images and how your submission addresses the overall theme of this issue. Please use our contact form. This form does not accept images, but send your proposal text, we will get back to you by email, and then you can send any images.
Please forward this link – to anyone you feel might be interested in contributing to this or any of our discussions.