on site review 22: ON WAR
original call for articles for on site review 22: ON WAR
war. what is it good for?
architecture and war | geographies of war | landscapes of war | defence | walled cities | urban traces | walls
territoriality | monuments and memorials | military installations | war museums | war art | war sites
borders | victory and loss | reconstruction | peace | protest
barracks and bases | field hospitals
intervention | partition
You are all very good at taking On Site’s themes and running with them. Have a think about war and all the ways it shows materially in buildings, landscapes, cities.
Don’t be afraid to take on the biggest of all subjects, and the most local instances of it.
We would like proposals for articles, notes, photographs, interviews, projects on the subject of architecture in its widest interpretation and war, in its widest effects. The keywords above are an indication of the potential breadth of this issue.